Our goals:
- Teaching Portuguese as a Heritage Language (POLH) for children aged 2½ to 15 years in northwest London, in a safe environment.
- Provide contact with the Portuguese language and Brazilian culture (history, geography, arts, music, folklore, etc.) in a relaxed, joyful environment that allows the child to learn while playing and to improve their knowledge of the Portuguese language.
- Provide the opportunity to practice the Portuguese language through an extra activity in the third hour such as: Capoeira, Storytelling, Theater, Science Club or GCSE (according to the child's age)
- Provide the opportunity to know and participate in Brazilian traditions such as Carnival, Festa Junina, musical presentations and others.
- If a child says something wrong in Portuguese, we just encourage them to use the word correctly in the next sentence.
- The idea is to offer the right model without discouraging or affecting your self-confidence.
- Associate vocabulary with actions, images and concrete materials. Examples: storytelling with the aid of images, narrating or describing the activities that the children are doing.
- We try not to use English during our meetings, but when the child speaks English, do not react immediately but simply speak the same in Portuguese.
- Give positive incentives to children when they use Portuguese.
- Send homework to help memorize the subject given in the classroom.
- Ask parents to help with their homework and to help them read books at home.
Meeting structure:
Basic routine for meetings:
- Conversation wheel: relaxed conversation / singing and playing games
- Reception with different activities for children / describe the activities of the week
- Main activity following class theme
- Snack
- Extra activity like Capoeira, Storytelling, Theater, Science Club or GCSE (according to the child's age)
- Output
Supporting materials:
Media / group activity materials
- We will use story books, CDs with Brazilian music, DVDs. In addition, games in Portuguese and various activities developed by the teachers in the classroom. (focusing on developing and consolidating new vocabulary)
- Paper, colored pencils, crayons, paints, collages, scraps, sequins, glitter, leaves, plastics, play dough, etc. (bring your child in clothes that may get dirty and / or even stain)
- All children will have a short break to eat a healthy snack with their group of friends. We asked those responsible to send a small snack and a bottle of water.
Measuring progress:
- The idea is not to have any method of assessing formal progress (tests, etc.), but to have continuous observation.
- However, as a way to encourage participation, at the end of the term, certificates of 100% attendance, book eaters and homework will be offered.
Practical details:
Where and when?
- Groups meet only on Saturdays from 10:00 to 13:00
- Location: Salusbury Primary School
Salusbury Road
Queen's Park
London NW6 6RG
- Classes follow the British school calendar and will always be 11 weeks. It is essential that everyone arrives at least 10 minutes before starting the class, so as not to delay the beginning of the class.
- We ask everyone who can to contribute with Brazilian books or comics in terms of donation.
- We already have many materials for use in the classroom, but we accept donations of pencils, pens, inks, CDs, fabrics, games, etc.
- Have a ruled A4 size notebook. If you see anything that is relevant to the group during the week, you can make a note / drawing in the book, paste a photo, etc.